
    It’s All in Your Mind – The Agent’s Mindset That Builds Success

    A few days ago, I found myself in Los Angeles at the Marriott Marina del Rey. I had a meeting at the hotel, just a regular business catch-up. But as I walked in, I realized something else was happening: a two-day football business conference. I hadn’t heard about it beforehand, but I noticed a few familiar faces. So I started talking to people.

    I asked around to see if I could join the second day. “It would be great to meet more people,” I thought, “and to learn something new.” But it turned out to be an invitation-only event, and despite a few friends trying to help, it didn’t work out.

    But instead of leaving it there, I made a decision: I’d come back the next day.

    So I did. On the second day of the conference, I arrived with my laptop, ordered my coffee and water, and found a spot in the lobby. I decided I’d work from there and talk to anyone I could, people walking in and out, old contacts, new faces. And sure enough, I ended up meeting great people, reconnecting with others, and having meaningful conversations.

    And while I sat there, quietly observing the flow of the event from the lobby, I was reminded of how it all started 25 years ago.

    Back then, I was a shy young man, going to youth football games and trying to gather the courage to speak to a player’s father. I’d promise myself: “Today is the day. Just go say hi before the match.” But I couldn’t. Then I’d tell myself, “Okay, at halftime just go introduce yourself.” Still nothing. Even after the game, I would walk past them without saying a word.

    But I didn’t give up. I kept showing up. I kept trying. And eventually, I did speak. I did connect. And that quiet, uncertain boy grew into someone who now teaches and mentors agents around the world.

    That experience of sitting in the lobby at the Marina del Rey hotel, reminded me of how far I’ve come. And it made me think of every aspiring agent out there who doubts themselves.

    Many young or new agents ask me: “How can I compete with the big agents?” “How will I ever make it in such a crowded market?”

    Here’s the truth: Those so-called “big” agents only seem big because you’ve made them big in your mind.

    They’re not superheroes. They’re just people. They started from somewhere, just like you. They also had their first awkward conversations. Their first rejections. Their first deals. The only difference is that they believed they belonged.

    If you want to succeed in this business, it starts with your mindset. Not with contacts. Not with deals. Not with fame.

    It starts with belief.

    Belief that you are enough.
    Belief that you will grow.
    Belief that every small step counts.

    You don’t need to be invited to the room to start your journey. Sometimes, sitting in the lobby with a laptop, a coffee, and a committed mindset is more powerful than any conference badge.

    Over the years, I’ve seen this again and again. The agents who succeed are the ones who believe in themselves, trust the process, and never stop learning. The ones who don’t make it? They’re often the ones who keep doubting themselves, always waiting for the “right moment” to begin.

    So don’t wait.
    Don’t doubt.
    Just start.

    Believe. Act. Persist.

    Your journey as a football agent doesn’t begin when someone gives you a chance, it begins the moment you give yourself permission to dream big and move forward.

    Dr. Erkut Sogut
    Dr. Erkut Sogut
    Founder of The Football Week, GROW Talents Sports Agency & Sports Agent Academy. Sports Agent, Sports Lawyer, Author, Lecturer.

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