
    The Players Week – Edition #1

    Welcome to the 1st edition of The Players Week, your ultimate digital source for the latest and most impactful stories in the world of football players.

    This week we explore:

    • Functions of the Liver
      Our liver is a gland and an organ, which can regenerate itself. It has two blood sources –the portal vein delivering nutrient-rich blood from the digestive system and the hepatic artery carrying oxygenated blood away from the heart.
    • Nurturing a Growth Mindset Rather Than Instilling a Fixed Mindset
      Your mindset can make or break your development as a footballer. The key is knowing the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset—and learning how to shift from one to the other.
    • Around 80% of professional players go bankrupt within five years of ending their careers
      Start planning early. Understanding finances, investing wisely, and preparing for life after football while still playing can make all the difference.