In this blog, we will discuss the importance of languages in football, with more emphasis towards the second most important language, Spanish. Next, we are going to introduce a list of words and phrases that are essential for agents who want to operate in the Spanish and Latin markets.
“Su jugador se ha hecho algĂşn estudio de doping?”
“Do you work in media?”
“Usted trabaja como periodista?”
“Do you want to have an interview with my player?”
“Le gustarĂa tener una entrevista con mi jugador?”
Languages are definitely one of the main tools that agents need to be able to operate fluently and effectively in different markets around the world. In addition to being of great help on contractual issues, languages serve to connect in a deeper and more genuine way with international players and their families. In this blog, we highlighted the importance of languages for agents and made a complete list of some of the most used words in the world of football in the Spanish language. Additionally, we included some phrases that can be useful for agents traveling to a foreign country in which the native language is Spanish. This enables agents to have the possibility of communicating and understanding the players, the game, and what is happening around the field.